Infusion Products

Infusion product categories
Needlefree connectors greatly reduce the risk of needlestick injuries by allowing administration or withdrawal of drugs/blood with the use of needleless syringes…
These ranges of needlefree connectors are made to be fitted on devices such as extension sets…
Positive pressure NFC’s are designed to avoid blood back-flow during syringe removal…
Needlefree technology Plus Neutral fluid displacement design helps reduce reflux-related occlusions…
Our range of PUR extension tubes fitted with needlefree devices offer better compatibilty and safety than conventional PVC extension sets…
Our range of PUR extension tubes fitted with needlefree devices offer better compatibilty and safety than conventional PVC extension sets…
When connected to an extension tube, 3-way stopcocks allow for multiple connections at a comfortable position far from venipuncture point…
3-Way stopcocks are single-use sterile medical products meant to be used in conjunction with other devices during infusion therapy…
Nasogastric feeding tubes are made to carry and deliver nutrition and medicine to the stomach…
Compared with latex catheters, silicone catheters cause less injuries and reduce substantially irritation of the urinary mucosa…
Our disposable protective cap can be used for connect internal cone locking connector or…
Choose the perfect product
Baihe Medical is at your side to help you choose the best infusion product adapted to your needs, don’t hesitate to contact us to have more informations about our products.
Neutral Needle Free connector
- Metal-free & MRI-compatible
- Latex-free
- ISO 10993 compliant
- Perfect flowing rate: 350 ml/min
Silicone Foley Catheters
- Large inner lumen
- No urate crystal
- Better biocompatibility
- Indwelling period to 30 days
Extension tube with Injection site adapters
- Safe for infusion IV medication
aspirating blood
without risk of hemolysis